FarmOn! Foundation
FarmOn! Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization, is working to fill the succession gap on family farms in rural America. Rapid changes in rural economies have transformed the agricultural sector. Increasingly, independent and family-run farms are being left with nobody to run them, as young people continue to migrate to urban centers in larger and larger numbers. FarmOn! wants to be part of the solution. We create and fund educational programs to provide the next generation of farmers with the skills and experience necessary to ensure that they can continue to feed us sustainably, ethically, and profitably.
We believe that, by nurturing and inspiring the entrepreneurial spirit of young people, we have the potential to revive rural economies nationwide. It is our goal to provide a replicable model for conscious food production and distribution that we can then export to communities around the country.
We envision a world where sustainable agriculture is valued and profitable.We invite you to learn more and get involved with your friends and family by taking action. Every child should serve on a farm! Start the conversation with us @FarmOnFarmOn or visit us at Empire Farm anytime of the year.
FarmOn! Foundation is dedicated to bringing awareness to food choices and sources and reinvigorating respect for farming, inspiring young people to choose agricultural careers to create an economic engine connecting rural and urban marketplaces to rebuild a robust and resilient agricultural community and local economies for rural prosperity and succession on farms.
Watch to Learn More & Donate to FarmOn!