In The Cafeteria

Education starts in the lunchroom. You can’t learn if you’re hungry. And you won’t perform your best if your body isn’t given the best fuel. By teaching kids the importance of eating nutrient-dense whole foods from local farms, they will learn to make healthier food choices and grow up to become healthy, food-literate adults.

FarmOn! offers the following programs and technical assistance to school food service directors who want to jump start a new farm-to-school initiative or enhance an existing one…
Milk Money Program
Local Better Beef Program
Harvest of the Month: A featured fruit or vegetable on the lunch menu 2-3 times a month, and a special taste test once a month with cooking, and farmer visits to the lunchroom
Smarter Lunchroom cafeteria overhaul and funding

Curriculum Connections In The Garden And The Classroom

In the school garden, kids take center stage. They engage in the science and excitement of hands-on planting, caring for, and harvesting food directly from the earth. With so many children disconnected from their food sources today, a school garden gives them the opportunity to see the whole picture of how food is produced from seed to plate. Studies show that children who grow their own food are more likely to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, or express a preference for these foods.

FarmOn Victory Garden Program

FarmOn! will fund the construction of edible gardens in your school district and provide educational resources as well as technical assistance to help you build a garden-based learning curriculum for your school. FarmOn! will provide visits from professional athletes to inspire and engage with your kids eating healthy food.
In order to change kids’ attitudes about eating fresh fruits and vegetables and see a change in behavior, instead of focusing on the cafeteria, the focus must be on the kids in the classroom with hands-on cooking. Studies show that kids who actively engage in cooking are more likely to try new foods. Instead of being told what to eat, kids are in charge and take ownership and pride in creating the dishes themselves.


FarmOn! Chef In The Classroom Program

Hands-on cooking classes with professional chefs featuring a different locally sourced fruit or vegetable each month. To inquire how your school can participate in any of these programs contact