2015-07-15 New York City Food Policy Center
New York State Council on Food Policy 2015 Annual Summer Meeting The New York State Council on Food Policy convened its 2015 Annual Summer meeting on July 15. In addition to the updates provided by the Council and presentations from Brian Elbel, NYU Langone Medical Center, Tessa Edick, Farm On! and the NYS Office of General Services (OGS) on Local Food Procurement Initiatives, NYC Food Policy Center staffer Ashley Rafalow presented testimony focusing on the need for greater coordination statewide of food activities and workforce development, growth in the public food sector, and a commitment to discouraging promotion and reduced availability of unhealthy food, especially to children. Minutes from this meeting (including presentations) can be found on the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets website. READ OUR TESTIMONY The New York State Council on Food Policy develops policy recommendations both to ensure the availability of safe, fresh, nutritious, and affordable food as well as to expand agricultural food production. The Council’s recommended state food policies focus on four key issue areas: maximizing participation in, and support for, food and nutrition assistance programs; strengthening the connection between local food products and consumers; increasing consumer awareness of healthy eating and improving access to safe and nutritious food; and supporting safe, efficient and profitable agricultural food production and food retail infrastructure. Learn more about the New York State Council on Food Policy Learn more about the Departmentof Agriculture and Markets
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