2015-07-09 BlogTalkRadio
FarmON! Tessa Edick Broadcast in Culture last Thursday #tessa edick #FarmON! Foundation #farmers #food #hudson valley food and farming #meet your farmer #frankie picasso #the good radio network #eric williams #celtics Joining host Frankie Picasso of The Good Radio Network on Thursday, July 9th, 2015 at 1:00 pm est is Tessa Edick, Founder and Executive Director of the FarmON Foundation, a 501c3 non--profit organization, author of Hudson Valley Food and Farming: Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me That?" and contributing editor of the national quarterly, Modern Farmer. FarmOn! Foundation is dedicated to bringing awareness to food choices and sources, by introducing the public to the farmer and bridging the gap that exists from farm to table. One of the goals of FarmON! is to inspire youth to choose careers in agriculuture and teach them how to create the economic engine necessary to connect rural and urban marketplaces while building local economies. What is your relationship with food? Do you shovel it down your gullet to feed a hungry belly or do you savour it slowly while eating with your all of your senses? Are you a food label reader or a fancy restaurant goer? Do you know what foods come out of the ground, grow on a trees or how honey is made? Have you ever sourced your food directly from the farm or met a cow, pig or goat? Farmers FEED our nation and yet they have no STAR status. Tessa would like that to change. In fact, she has coined them STARMERS!!! Please join in the conversation- We look forward to hearing from you.
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