2015-06-08 Morning Ag Clips
Camp FarmOn! taking teen applications Interested teens must complete a registration packet and return it by June 22 Participants will visit local agriculture businesses and farms to learn about opportunities and agri-businesses in our local food system from entrepreneurs. They will also collaborate in small teams to develop a value-added business concept that could enhance one of the businesses they visited. With this project teens will build their teamwork skills as well as enhance their business skills. (teensonfarms.com) COPAKE, N.Y. — Teens entering grades 8-11 this fall are invited to participate in Camp FarmOn! This free, week-long day camp, provided by the FarmOn! Foundation, will be located at Empire Farm in Copake, NY. It will take place August 3-7 from 9 am to 5 pm each day. Participants will visit local agriculture businesses and farms to learn about opportunities and agri-businesses in our local food system from entrepreneurs. They will also collaborate in small teams to develop a value-added business concept that could enhance one of the businesses they visited. With this project teens will build their teamwork skills as well as enhance their business skills. The value-added business concept will be “pitched” in a presentation format to local venture capitalists so the teens will have an opportunity to receive recognition as well as supportive input for their work. Transportation will be available from pick-up points within Columbia and Greene counties. Participants will need to bring their own lunch and refillable water bottle as well as their enthusiasm, curiosity and desire to work as a team member and entrepreneur. There is no cost for this opportunity because of the generosity of the FarmOn! Foundation and a grant from Farm Credit East. Participating teens and their parents will be able to meet the camp staff, visit Empire Farm and learn about Camp FarmOn! during their orientation on Tuesday, July 28 at 6:30 PM. Interested teens must complete a registration packet and return it by June 22. Accepted participants will be notified by July 6. To receive the registration packet register online at https://reg.cce.cornell.edu/_210 or call 828-3346×100 or email ew387@cornell.edu or stop by your local Cornell Cooperative Extension office – 479 Rt. 66, Hudson or 6055 Rt. 23, Acra. For more information about Camp FarmOn! call the FarmOn! Foundation at 518-329-FARM. —Cornell Cooperative Extension of Columbia and Greene Counties For more articles out of New York, click here.
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