2014-07-30 NY Daily News
FARM ON! Hudson Valley's growing appeal in agriculture, fresh food & real estate On a Saturday morning in June, Tessa Edick drove 6 miles from Copake Lake to Herondale/ Sol Flower Farm to pick up her weekly produce. On the way back to her wood-cabin home, she stopped at Pigasso Farms to buy a freerange chicken, eggs laid that morning, a fl ank steak and farm-made sausage. The bill came to $90. Edick fed seven people on a table fi lled with votive candles, sunfl owers and food as fresh and antibiotic-free as humanly possible. The vivacious culinary consultant has been dining like this every weekend for the better part of a decade. Shuttling two hours between New York City and Hudson Valley, the foodie entrepreneur who founded Sauces n’ Love has helped chefs become superstars by packaging and marketing their recipes. Focusing on her own backyard, Edick recently created a showcase for what she believes to be the most important part in today’s food chain — the farmer “Farming is sexy and cool,” she says, emphatically. “You have to know your farmer and where your food comes from. It’s time to opt out of processed food and celebrate the table and what’s on it as a center of pleasure. We also have to ensure succession happens, so that children of farmers take over their farms. First, we celebrated food, then the chef, but no one was cheerleading the farmer. The farmer is the secret ingredient.” On July 30, Edick’s company CulinaryPartnership.com will launch the Friends of the Farmer Hudson Valley Food Lovers Festival at Copake Country Club. The all-day fair highlights farmers, restaurants and the resurgence of Hudson Valley as a top agriculture draw. It will raise money for a scholarship for high school students to continue studies in agricultural sciences. “Hudson Valley is primed to become the Napa Valley of the East Coast,” says Edick, who coined the phrase “Farm On” to promote succession for future generations of farming families. Ironically, as farming and land preservation increases in popularity, so has the real estate market. Columbia County has become one of the nation’s hottest second-home markets with farms, cottages, lake houses and land selling at a faster clip than anyplace in the state. Protecting agricultural businesses and fending off developers is a big reason the area has thrived. In addition, Columbia County has become a study for how a solid farming system with community-based activist backing can lead to a successful local farm, second-home and tourist-based economy. In addition, Columbia County has become a study for how a solid farming system with community-based activist backing can lead to a successful local farm, second-home and tourist-based economy. At the same time, the 25-year-old Columbia Land Conservancy (CLC) provides tax easements and helps farmers make fi nancial deals with the state; in return, the land stays farm-friendly and housingdevelopment free. The CLC has protected more than 22,000 acres from development, something that has plagued other counties and the rest of America. The suburban landuse pattern in this country has proven to be completely unsustainable,” says Andy Turner, executive director of the Cornell Cooperative Extension, a statewide county-based group bringing scientifi c research to improve farming conditions. “Farm land has turned into strip malls, and foreclosures happened more in areas overrun with development. Once you lose big parcels of land, you can’t get them back. What separates Columbia County is the proximity to markets and tremendous community support from the farmers. One big supporter is Todd Erling. Erling and his wife own Willow Springs Farm, a small property that breeds pastureraised Berkshire pigs, free range chickens and hops that Erling sells to Chatham Brewing, a nearby beer maker. A trained architect who built affordable housing in the town of Hudson, Erling founded the Hudson Valley Agribusiness Development Corp.(HVADC), a group dedicated to getting farmers products to market and providing economic development services to agriculture. “We did a study that found this area lacked a regional farming plan, had no system to bring technical assistance to the farmer and no direct relationship with banks for dedicated capital,” says Erling. “Farmers are savvy businesspeople now. Local food was and is again a way of life. You rely on your farmer for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We want people to vote with their fork to protect and support their farmers.” As a real estate strategy, protecting farms from development has helped the local housing market. According to local brokers, the interest in area farms is up in the past 12 months. Also, buyers are fl ocking to the rural lands of Columbia County versus the more crowded areas in Orange County or expensive Hamptons. “The number of people interested in buying homes on big farmland and little farmland is up,” says Heather Croner, a 38-year local broker who owns Heather Croner Real Estate Sotheby’s International Realty. “Even if they can have small plots of land, they want to know about the soil and if they can grow their own food there.” In the end, it’s the farmer and the consumer of the food who benefi t from Columbia County’s agrarian resurgence. On any weekend, most farms are open for visitors, with on-site farm shops selling produce grown and meats cut from animals raised on each property. Copake’s Pigasso Farms, run by Robert Kitchen and wife Heather, sells more than 1,200 fresh eggs per week from its farm store, at farmer markets and to local restaurants. They breed top Heritage pigs. At Tollgate Farm, Jim and Karen Davenport make some of the highest-rated milk in the United Sates from Holstein cows on farmland they lease. “I try to make milk that I would be proud to serve my family,” says Jim Davenport. “You have to feed these cows the best you can and keep them clean. People love milk, but so do bacteria, and the cleaner you keep the cows, the farther away bacteria stays.” Jerry Peele owns Herondale Farm, a 250-acre-plus farm where he raises grassfed and fi nished British White cattle whose lineage dates to Roman times. He also raises chickens and lamb. A former investment banker, Peele grew up in a farming community near Gloucester, England. His livestock, 100 percent hormone free, is sold by butchers and restaurants from New York to Boston. Peele leases 15 acres to organic produce and fl ower farmer Andy Szymanowicz, whose Sol Flower Farm runs a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program out of a joint “farm shop” with Herondale. Farming organically for the past 10 years, Szymanowicz likes the CSA model that allows the farmer and community to come together, and where one price, $600 in this case, feeds a family of four for 22 to 24 weeks. Edick is a member of CSA, as are roughly 100 others, up from 60 last year. Some members live in New York City, opting to drive two hours to select their own produce. “We’re selling the experience of coming to the farm,” says Szymanowicz. “People think this kind of food is expensive or unapproachable, but it works for people of all economic backgrounds.” Glenn Strickling, a chef at the Greens at the Copake Country Club, is a promoter, buyer and cooker of local foods. He was one of the early chefs to source farm ingredients on his menu. A sponsor of the Friends of the Farmer festival in two weeks, Copake Country Club and Strickling serve eggs from Pigasso and beef from Herondale. “You can taste the difference,” says Strickling. “You can’t get near this quality from anything mass-produced. This area is alive again.”
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