2013-10-30 Times Herald Record
'Farms and Ferarris' benefits students in culinary field Fourteen Ferraris drove together to Twin Maple Farms, an artisanal cheese producer in Ghent, for a tour and banquet lunch catered by Café La Perche of Hudson. The group then visited Hillrock Estate for a tour of the artisanal distillery in Ancram all benefiting the Farm On! Foundation and Camp Farm On! Published: 9:26 AM - 10/30/13 Last updated: 10:07 AM - 10/30/13 This was the first time that Twin Maple Farms and Hillrock Estate Distillery participated in an event with the Empire State Region of the Ferrari Club of America. The fourteen Ferraris drove together to Twin Maple Farms, an artisanal cheese producer in Ghent, for a tour and banquet lunch catered by Café La Perche of Hudson. The group then visited Hillrock Estate for a tour of the artisanal distillery in Ancram. The Farms and Ferrari event benefited the Farm On! Foundation and Camp Farm On!, a charity founded by Tessa Edick (Culinary Partnership), which educates Hudson Valley students about careers in the local food system and the entrepreneurial spirit needed to create viable business solutions for local, artisanal farms and keep the region's rich culinary history alive for future generations. "The distinctive rumble of the pristine automobiles was undeniably a unique experience, like having a showroom brought exclusively to us," said Tim Welly, Director of Operations and Distiller, Hillrock Estate. "The members of the Ferrari Club of the Empire State Region obviously appreciate refined craftsmanship, so Hillrock was honored to host the group for tours this past Sunday along with Twin Maple Farms." By lending its name and iconic brand, the Ferrari Club is supporting the Hudson Valley's bountiful, artisanal culinary offerings. This collaboration celebrates Hudson Valley farmers whose impeccable craftsmanship and attention to detail are at the very heart of Ferrari automobiles — dating back to 1928 when Enzo Ferrari originally established Scuderia Ferrari, which sponsored a small "stable" amateur drivers in Modena, before ultimately going on to produce luxury road cars for the consumer market more than a decade later.
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