2013-07-20 Register Star
Farm On! Hootenanny kicks off Posted: Saturday, July 20, 2013 12:30 am By Katie Kocijanski Columbia-Greene Media The grounds of the Copake Country Club were filled with supporters for Farm On! The third annual Friends of the Farmer Festival held a hootenanny to celebrate the spirit of agriculture in the area. Tessa Edick, founder of the FarmOn! movement and Hudson based restaurant Fish & Game chef Zakary Pelaccio and Jori Jayne Emde, of Lady Jayne’s Alchemy, hosted the Hootenanny! Farm Fresh benefit dinner Friday night. Seven different dishes were served to the crowd that featured locally grown food all cooked by Fish & Game. Emde said the restaurant is a big supporter of the Farm On! movement. She added that it was important for people to know where their food is coming from. The Hayrollers Band played for the crowd as they ate and mingled in between the courses. “We need to bring awareness to our good choices and need to know where our food sources are coming from,” said Edick. The Farm On! founder had supporters coming from three hours away in Newburyport, Mass. Good friend Julie Adinolfi said Edick threw her whole heart into the festival and added it was important to support farmers. Adinolfi came in with her friend Martha Jeffrey from Greenwich, Conn. Assmeblywoman Didi Barrett, D-Hudson, also attended the event with her family and Chief-of-Staff Nick Melson. Barrett said that the food from Fish & Game was delicious. Sitting at the same table, Taconic Hills Teacher Aide and Elementary School Club Advisor Ericka Shook enjoyed the food, as well. High school Harvest Club students from Taconic Hills were helping out at the event and were recognized by Edick at the beginning of the dinner. On July 20, the celebration will continue with a food lovers festival where local farmers will be out and about on the country club grounds from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information, visit www.friendsofthefarmer.com.
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